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$40 Adult
$35 Concession

Duration: 1 hour
Please arrive at 15 minutes early.

Bookings essential Book online OR contact the Bookings Team on +61 3 9656 9889 for private group bookings.

Valentine’s Day at the Gaol

8:00pm - 9:00pm

Friday 14 February

Indulge in spine-chilling thrills with your beloved this Valentine’s Day!

Embark on a journey into the shadows of Old Melbourne Gaol, guided by the master of the rope, as tales of the macabre and the mysterious unfold. The Hangman’s Night Tour promises an unforgettable experience, exploring the darkness of the Gaol with stories that will send shivers down your spine. Join us for a night of bone-strumming narratives straight from the gallows, with no detail left unexplored. Book your spot on the Hangman’s Night Tour and brace yourselves for an evening of eerie excitement.

This Valentine’s Day, gift your sweetheart an unforgettable experience and let them boast about the hauntingly unique adventure you shared together. Book now and give your valentine a tale to remember!

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